reasons to be thankful


i may be thrown into blogging hell for committing the biggest no-no social media faux-pas: posting about a holiday that was nine days ago. and to be honest, i don’t actually care and have instead come to terms with my slow-pokeynes. i do wish though that i were the type of person who can process thoughts about a thanksgiving in advance and share in due time :)

a few days before thanksgiving this year, i took time to reflect and concluded that i can’t really ask for more in the areas that really matter in life. my parents and family are in great health, my relationship with close friends are growing stronger, i’m living in paris, i have somewhere to call home, and can say that i went somewhere that i’m proud of in my professional career. i’m grateful because i know that any day, any of these facets of my life can begin to fall apart, and i’d have to wake up from this wonderful dream.

i should feel light as air and should also be taking more time to celebrate this period of my life where everything is thriving, but i can’t help stare into the abyss of a quarter life existential crisis. it’s a bit masochistic. it’s almost like intentionally pushing yourself off a cliff into the land of a hardcore meltdown. my advice to you is to not do this on a long flight from cdg to jfk…if you do, you’ll cry your eyeballs dry leaving your seatmates very uncomfortable.


i felt like my passion and energy was running thin. i couldn’t find a trace for a path to lead myself to the light. where was all of this taking me to anyway? i closed my eyes and thought about what i could possibly ask for in prayer, but in actuality, i just wanted Him to make this easy for me by coming down on a chariot of fire and release the this burden i call choice off my shoulders. that didn’t happen so i asked for a single sign that could validate whether or not i was channeling my heart and efforts in the right way.

okay if not the chariot of fire, how about having a sign fall from the sky like manna? that didn’t happen, but an answer did come in a few unexpected ways. a few weeks later, i received a message from a reader of this blog (i have a reader?!) who was new to cooking and tried using one of my recipes. she made beautiful madeleines and even sent me a pic. you know who you are - and to me, you were literally godsend.

and the following day, dear saturdays got its first paycheck.

while i’m so deeply grateful that i was able to help someone make madeleines and my actual passion in life made $, more than anything else, the perfect timing of these two occurrences is what i’m most appreciative of. these two things could have happened at any point in time, but it happened in perfect sequence and that to me, is god’s way of showing me that he is writing a beautiful story out of this life however impatient i may be. how could i not be thankful?

this blog has little stats that i can follow (the data nerd in me can’t help herself), and i discovered that there are people all around not only the country, but also around the world who are taking the time to read this blog! who reads nowadays?! but in all seriousness, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking time out of your day to follow along this “dear saturdays adventure”.

i’m clearly feeling a lot of warm and sweet custardy feelings which is the best segue into this eggy dan tat pie recipe.

xo, christine


life in paris


the meaning of old things